
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

SA3 #61 Sorrento Italy

Well, back for another 5 day stretch in the basement  of the Hilton. No windows, no view, no air, wonder if hell is like this? Own room is not bad, but faces on a sheer cliff. Sea view, which would have been really nice, was too expensive. I did manage to sneak a picture of the Bay of Naples and Sorrento ..... in the rain.

Just to think, this may be my last SA3. Great progress since being the meeting secretary to SA3 #1!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

OCG #42 - Back at ETSI in the South of France

Enjoying yet another meeting here. Been sitting in this seat for 15 years in the Amphi. And lunch sitting in the sunshine by the sandwich bar .... lucky to have missed all the storms earlier in the week. Gavin's car got flooded!

Picture shows the sunshine and the lunch today .......