
Monday, September 27, 2010

SA3 AdHoc in Riga in Latvia

A short meeting of SA3 in Latvia. A quick flight from Stansted crammed into Ryanair - could be worse, as it was a direct flight.

Picture shows the main square opposite the Hotel, lunch today was a typical Latvian Italian meal ...

And the meeting room has windows - not much of a view, but at least we can see daylight!!! Mind you, it did rain most of the week.

Dinner was chicken broth with meat pie and a beer in a Russian Restaurant.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Latest Folly- a Hymer S700 ....

The latest folly, a Hymer S700 of 1992 vintage on a Mercedes 410D truck. Marvelous, with central heating, hot water, aircon and fridge for the G&T.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday afternoon in Suffolk ....

A pint of beer (or two), a roast beef lunch with Yorkshire pudding, watching the East Suffolk Morris Men dance at the Low House. A good place to be for Sunday lunch in the country in the Autumn ....

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

GSMA SG Vienna September 2010

Back to work - and a typical Wienerschnitzel meal in the evening. Weather was drizzly just like London. Delays due to air traffic control strikes in Europe, the joys of travel!!!

New white wine and soda was provided .....