
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

3GPP SA3 #59 in Lisbon - Portugal

Lovely and warm, no Volcanoes, and deep in a basement room for a 5 day meeting.

On the second day we finished by 8 PM, and so caught the Metro to the Port area, and had a good meal of veal, frites, rice, red wine, and almond and apple pie. Lots of cheese and bread and olives on the table, including some very fresh cheese, much like cream.

Friday, April 16, 2010

East Grinstead

Meeting at East Grinstead. M25 on way home was the usual traffic jam ... Thank goodness for the navigation system. Lots of one track roads on the way home!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Back to Work!

Back in a grey London and Victoria Street!

Meetings and more meetings.