
Friday, December 10, 2010

GSMA SG meeting in Munich

Another eccentric journey:
Ferry from Harwich to the Hook of Holland, ICE train to Munich via Dusseldorf. On the way back, the same route, except I took the night sleeper from Munich to Amsterdam.

 The High Speed ICE train in Amsterdam

Sleeper berth was great - free red bottle of wine to go to bed, your own shower and toilet, and only 160 Euros, so as cheap as a hotel.

On the way back booked a day cabin on the ferry for the afternoon snooze.

The SG meeting went well. Enjoyed the Christmas Market in Munich in the evening, and  the liver dumpling soup with beer in the evening!

Carol Singing during the Munich Christmas 
Fair at the Town Hall, Marienplatz

Nick's Conference Dublin (Royal Marine Hotel) - Ireland

This time decided on a sea and rail trip, rail from London to Holyhead, and then to Dublin by ferry, and then by DART to the Hotel.

 A wet ferry approaching Dublin

Sadly, the return fast ferry was canceled, so I had to fly back, otherwise at £60 return  it would have been very cheap (with £15 extra for the Stena Plus seats with free nibbles and drinks).

 Back by Aer Lingus and Dublin Airport

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

SA3 #61 Sorrento Italy

Well, back for another 5 day stretch in the basement  of the Hilton. No windows, no view, no air, wonder if hell is like this? Own room is not bad, but faces on a sheer cliff. Sea view, which would have been really nice, was too expensive. I did manage to sneak a picture of the Bay of Naples and Sorrento ..... in the rain.

Just to think, this may be my last SA3. Great progress since being the meeting secretary to SA3 #1!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

OCG #42 - Back at ETSI in the South of France

Enjoying yet another meeting here. Been sitting in this seat for 15 years in the Amphi. And lunch sitting in the sunshine by the sandwich bar .... lucky to have missed all the storms earlier in the week. Gavin's car got flooded!

Picture shows the sunshine and the lunch today .......

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

IREG Meeting California - CISCO

At the various IREG working groups, and also to give a presentation later this week. A 10 hour flight which went very slowly, an 8 hour time shift, and a shared car to the Hotel which was an interesting navigation feat in itself.

Picture below shows the cradle of all that technology - Silicon Valley - bit misty but ......... this is the home of all those technical innovations.

Monday, September 27, 2010

SA3 AdHoc in Riga in Latvia

A short meeting of SA3 in Latvia. A quick flight from Stansted crammed into Ryanair - could be worse, as it was a direct flight.

Picture shows the main square opposite the Hotel, lunch today was a typical Latvian Italian meal ...

And the meeting room has windows - not much of a view, but at least we can see daylight!!! Mind you, it did rain most of the week.

Dinner was chicken broth with meat pie and a beer in a Russian Restaurant.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Latest Folly- a Hymer S700 ....

The latest folly, a Hymer S700 of 1992 vintage on a Mercedes 410D truck. Marvelous, with central heating, hot water, aircon and fridge for the G&T.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday afternoon in Suffolk ....

A pint of beer (or two), a roast beef lunch with Yorkshire pudding, watching the East Suffolk Morris Men dance at the Low House. A good place to be for Sunday lunch in the country in the Autumn ....

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

GSMA SG Vienna September 2010

Back to work - and a typical Wienerschnitzel meal in the evening. Weather was drizzly just like London. Delays due to air traffic control strikes in Europe, the joys of travel!!!

New white wine and soda was provided .....

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Montreal at SA3 #60

Montreal, Canada for another SA3. A day early to save on the cost of the ticket. Not a bad trip, but the  Hotel had used my cancelled stolen card, and had therefore just removed my booking without even checking with me. Had to talk to a rather rude member of staff before I got a room.

Sunday morning a stroll around Montreal, very quiet. Notre Dame Cathedral, cobbled streets just like France, and a walk by the side of the St. Lawrence river.

Meeting 60! What with SMG10 and the CEPT meetings it is now over 25 years of GSM Standards......

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

London to Brighton!

Today gave a talk on security in London, and on a panel. Lovely Art Deco BBC building at Portland Place.

Then by train to Brighton for another talk tomorrow, and where because the Hotel was chockers, I got upgraded to a huge suite with sea view. Sat by the sea with a large jug of Pimms in the summer sun gossiping to an old friend, followed by a hot Chicken at Nando's. A nice end to the day!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

ETSI and Antibes by train! Almost........

Well, a relaxing journey to Antibes via Paris and King's Cross, or so I thought. Think again when there are torrential floods along the Cote D'Azur!

The TGV eventually made it to Toulon, where there were promises of Buses. Sadly nothing, no Hire cars, Taxis, Hotels, Buses, though maybe a boat would be have been best. Made the Hotel after a 130km ride in the early hours of the morning .... and since there are no trains tomorrow have booked a seat to London City. What a Life!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Barcelona and SG and MAAWG Meeting June 2010

Here we are back again in Barcelona and Spain, for a SG and MAAWG meeting. In the docks area, lots of modern architecture, and a meal out in the Royal Palace overlooking the World Congress site. Last time here was to see the awards!

Dinner, picture courtesy of Kevin E taken in the mirror above our heads ... and also of the site of the world congress, without all the 50 000 people!!

We are in a modern area close to the beach, quite a building site, but lots of fantastic buildings ... here is a fish on a fish restaurant!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Granada - Visit to the Alhambra Palace whilst at another meeting

A tour around the fantastic old Palace at the Alhambra - on a hill overlooking the city - with lovely naturally cooled rooms, decoration, peaceful gardens ..... Just the pictures are necessary.

And finally, a spot of Flamenco in the evening .........

Monday, May 17, 2010

Granada - Very Sunny Spain - Monday 27th May 2010

Flew to Madrid from Heathrow, then took the 5 hour train journey from Madrid to Granada. Very pleasant, with a nice supper of tuna and rice,

with a good Rioja, first class service.

Then took an open top bus tour of Granada..... One street completely covered with sun shades ....

snow covered mountains in the distance ...

and lovely gardens.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

3GPP SA3 #59 in Lisbon - Portugal

Lovely and warm, no Volcanoes, and deep in a basement room for a 5 day meeting.

On the second day we finished by 8 PM, and so caught the Metro to the Port area, and had a good meal of veal, frites, rice, red wine, and almond and apple pie. Lots of cheese and bread and olives on the table, including some very fresh cheese, much like cream.

Friday, April 16, 2010

East Grinstead

Meeting at East Grinstead. M25 on way home was the usual traffic jam ... Thank goodness for the navigation system. Lots of one track roads on the way home!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Back to Work!

Back in a grey London and Victoria Street!

Meetings and more meetings.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

On holiday in Lanzarote

To the right is a panoramic view from the Villa, three pictures stitched together. Volcanoes in the distance (hopefully dormant!)

Chilling in the sunshine....... with a small heated swimming pool.

Friday, March 12, 2010

12 March Stroll into Guernsey

Morning stroll into town. Then off to the airport to catch the flight back to Gatwick.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Guernsey 10th March - Talk on Security to BCS

On a Dash 8 to Guernsey from Gatwick, looked small, but just fitted in!

Only 35 minutes to Guernsey, stayed at a nice Hotel. Popped into town to get a local SURE SIM card for the N900. Free SIM, £10 for unlimited data and we were connected. APN is internet!

Took a stroll by the harbour and took a picture just as the sun was going down.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Dubai at 2nd Broadband Global Summit

Here for the day. A Virgin flight out and back, and a talk on Security in LTE in the evening: Weather fantastic, should having stayed by the beach! My hotel had a pool on the roof, with an excellent view of passing planes on runway approach. ......View of the courtyard outside the conference rooms. Looked very tempting for a snooze! The 4 hour time difference seemed quite a killer!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Barcelona Mobile World Congress

To the Mobile World Congress, Meetings, Chairing Sessions, Old Friends and a few parties, including a great G&D one!

Stayed at The Hotel Majestic opposite the Gaudi Dragon building ... lovely at night

And the party with Duran Duran and Stephen Fry giving out some awards ..